What is Item History and Why Does it Matter?
Items are the central hub of Studio Designer. Only once you have an Item can you create Proposals, Invoices and Purchase Orders, and run reports. But, that also means when you make a change to an Item, many other parts of your Studio Designer system will change as well. This is why being able to review and track changes to your Items is so important.
Today we are thrilled to introduce Item History: a new feature to help you track all the changes to each of your Items in one place.
What’s Trackable? What, Who, and When
- WHAT: Review which fields have been updated along with what data was there before, and what data is there now.
- WHO: View which of your team members executed each change. Note! This only works if your team members each have their own user login.
- WHEN: See a complete list of changes to each Item in chronological order with precise date and time stamps.
How to get here: Projects –> Items –> Edit Item –> History

What Else Should You Know?
- Item History launched in Studio Designer 2.0 on July 26, 2019. You can track changes to your Items from this date forward, but not backward.
- Item History is “Read Only”, meaning you cannot revert back any changes made to your Items. You can only view what/who/when those changes took place.
Have More Questions?
We are here to help! Chat or email our Support team or schedule a free 15-minute phone call. Not yet a Studio Designer customer? Email us to learn more about Item History and the other ways Studio Designer can help you manage your business more efficiently and profitably.