
See why 15,000+ designers choose Studio Designer

As the interior design industry’s trusted business platform for over 30 years, we are proud more designers rely on Studio Designer to power their business than any other platform.

The leading platform with complete accounting solutions purpose-built for the interior design industry

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Frequently asked questions

An interior designer charges the client based on time, products, and product markup — all of this is in Studio Designer. In other systems, a designer may have to use a separate system for time tracking, markup, etc., making it difficult to manage important billing and accounting details, including time billing history.

One of the ways an interior design firm bills clients is based on time. It’s important to be able to set rates based on factors like experience level of the professional and specific tasks or activities. With Studio Designer, you have the flexibility to customize rates at the team member level, task type, and more, so you know you’re always collecting the right fees. Studio Designer makes it simple to track your time with our Time Clock feature. Time Clock allows you to track the time you spend with your clients and on projects, generating Time Entries when the timer stops. You can use up to 5 timers at once, making it easy to track time even when jumping between projects and tasks.

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